textile design
Peafowl blouse
This is the most complex and time-consuming upcycling project I ever did but at the same time the most rewarding one. It was made for an illustration lesson but inspired me to do more of this kind of things in the future. I also learned a lot about embroidery and handing with textile. I am very proud of how the final product looks and feels like.
There are three things that I am most happy about in this project. First, I let myself completely relax and have fun while doing it and as a result, there are a lot of materials and colours playing around the blouse. Secondly, this blouse was bought on the 2nd hand market in Amsterdam for 3.oo eur. Besides, most of the materials applied on a blouse are scraps from other projects and my childhood creative supply. I strongly believe in recycling things and not producing new unnecessary products. There is already so much produced and made on our tiny Planet. Therefore, this is a very important fact. I want my work to be sustainable and responsible as much as possible.
Last but not least, this blouse has a story. It gives value to the work. It is based on three fables by Jean de La Fontaine. One story is placed on the back, one at the front and one on the sleeves. Those fables are different, but they hide the same message: "Be aware and grateful of the things you already have in your life, instead of seeking for the things others have. Don't compare, but trust yourself." I want this blouse to be a reminder to me and hopefully to someone else as well. The illustration on the back is the strongest and it represents pride, which all of us should have. I am looking forward to new projects like this one, where pieces will hide important stories. ❤